Private Guidance | Coaching with Oriya

Oriya's Breakthrough Story Sessions

Rewriting Yesterday to Remember Who You Really Are

Feeling stuck in roles and narratives from the past not serving your truth today? 🤔

What if gently unraveling those unconscious stories unveiled your infinite potential as both timeless Nobody AND Somebody?

Finally allowing you to flow as the fullest expression of your unique gifts? 🎁

After walking thousands through radical healing over 13+ years, that’s what my 1-on-1 story sessions help you do.

Blending sacred rituals, cosmic wisdom and resonant myths with the universal arcs underlying great movies, I've woven a one-of-a-kind framework for excavating inner freedom using the 12 Beats.

In our private story work, we'll...

🌅 Disinter formative memories

🌸 Unpack pains still running the show

🌌 Rewrite projections playing out with “villains”

🌟 Recognize early wounds showing where your gifts await

4 Core Relationships Explored

🍃 Body: Addictive patterns regulating unresolved trauma

🌊 Heart: Reconnecting your inner wisdom

🔥 Mind: Seeking approval yet feeling stuck in roles defined by others

☁️ Spirit: Needing partners to complete you as unfinished stories repeat

My commitment is championing all parts of your inner world - no stone left unturned on the path back home.

By journey’s end, you'll have unlocked: 🤔

💡 Freedom from embedded lies

✨ Rituals upgrading unconscious habits

🏞️ A vision finally aligning with your true nature

🦋 Your next chapter rewritten and boldly expressed

Ready to remember the story only you can tell?

The clock for old excuses expires now...let’s unveil outdated tales and manifest that destiny already written across your heart! ❤️