Nobody School: Heal Your Story

Decode + Rewrite πŸ’« Your Transformation Story in 4 Weeks

Nobody School is an intimate monthly 4 week online course guiding you to map your healing journey into 4 acts and 12 universal beats.

Through a unique curriculum blending πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ shamanic wisdom, 🧠 Jungian self-inquiry and πŸŽ₯ proven Hollywood story architecture - we gently unravel the unconscious stories perpetuating suffering into πŸ’‘ conscious breakthrough.

️⃣ Interactive Sessions Each Week Build Upon the Other

  • Week 1 - πŸ’” Expose the Original Drama: Reveal childhood wounds driving repetitive loops

  • Week 2 - 🎭 Unmask False Victories + Essence beneath masks

  • Week 3 - πŸ•³οΈ Integrate Hidden Fears blinding growth

  • Week 4 - 🚫 Reject Core Lies: Upgrade self-limiting constraints

This Happens in Community

We meet together once weekly for teachings, reflections and practices followed by an optional sessions for questions and homework shares.

πŸš€ Our sessions take place on Airmeet enabling virtual rooms! We have quiet Writing Tables for solo journaling and a Social Lounge for small group share circles.

All teachings, discussions and practices are recorded so you can revisit at your own pace as part of the community.

πŸ” UpCoach App centralizes all tasks, notes and homework keeping everything easily accessible forever.

Let’s Get Started Mapping πŸ—ΊοΈ Your Healing Tale!

Personal Guidance

I facilitate Nobody School for driven individuals ready to author their lives from empowerment and truth rather than scripts they inherited.

Together, we'll transmute wounds into wisdom and consciously write the next chapter of your destiny.

"Oriya guided me to confront deep stories I kept hidden - now I feel aligned with my purpose and ready to share my gifts." - Michelle K., Teacher

Get started with The School:

  1. Join the next monthly cycle on Airmeet

  2. Download the 12 Beats framework guide to begin self-guided exploration

Additionally, if you seek 1-on-1 guidance to go deeper, book an exploratory call with me.

The time for remembering why you came now. Write long-hidden truths and watch them transform reality. I'll be here holding space for your healing and expansion.