The 12 Beats | Overview & Beat-sheet

Decode Your Story DNA: The 12 Beats Roadmap 🧬

After a decade guiding thousands in transformative inner exploration rituals, I discovered life’s rhythms mirrored across ancient myths, shamanic beats and resonant Hollywood storytelling. 🎬

I’ve fused these patterns into an intuitive 12 stage treasure map elegantly distilling the soul’s eternal spiral between forgetting and remembering truth across passing phenomena. πŸŒ€

This solid framework synthesizes timeless shamanic wisdom with performing arts story architecture to reveal key phases of your unique healing odyssey back home to wholeness.

🌟 The 12 Beats Compass 🌟

Act 1 – The Setup πŸ’«

  1. Opening Image - Where the seeds of our quest take root 🌱

  2. Original Drama - Early messages distorting self-perception 🎭

  3. Journey Out - Starting the external quest for internal resolution πŸšͺ

Act 2 – The Mirage πŸ‘€

  1. The Debate – Confronting doubts around the ego-driven path πŸ€”

  2. Honeymoon – The euphoria of "having it all" finally πŸ₯³

  3. False Victory – Where joy starts feeling empty πŸ˜”

Act 3 – The Reckoning 🧘🏻

  1. Shadow Rising – Suppressed denial catching up 😱

  2. Autocorrect – An opportunity for correction arises πŸ’‘

  3. Journey Inward – Descending for inner excavation πŸ”Ž

Act 4 – Your Legend πŸ¦‹

  1. The Big Lie – Deconstructing core fallacies πŸ’₯

  2. Remembering – Truth of eternal essence arises πŸ”‘

  3. Dharma – Offering authentic gifts to all 🌟

πŸŒ… Download the Blank Template πŸŒ…

Take notes on pivotal events across YOUR life journey and let the beats reveal currents guiding you here.

Or join my 4 Week Online Journey with community support mapping your tale.

For accelerated 1-on-1 guidance tailoring this map to your story Apply Hereβ€£

I'm honored to walk this sacred path home with you. Let's transmute outdated pain into purpose together...then boldly shape destiny itself!